PHASE 1:GAInSMSolutionProjectDefinition
Defines the approach that will be used to conduct the solution development project. Obvious stakeholders are identified. The impact of the solution on the organization is estimated. Work Plans for Current State and Future State definition are finalized.
PHASE 2:FutureStateVisionDefinition
Defines the desired GAIn SolutionSM as it is envisioned to exist once it has been completed and becomes operational. The desired business and technical environments will be documented in addition to project More …
feasabilities, boundaries, risks, and risk mitigation strategies. A project management approach will be documented and a budget forecast will be prepared. The SOW for the remainder of the project will be prepared.
PHASE 3:CurrentStateDefinition
Documents the existing business and technical environments, including technology systems, technology processes, and environmental factors. The effect of the Future State Vision upon existing More …
people and operating practices is documented. Short term solutions to challenges discovered during this Phase that would impact the successful completion of the project are developed and documented.
PHASE 4:SolutionRequirementsDefinition
The requirements for the GAIn SolutionSM are developed. Future State functional and technical requirements are determined and documented. An assessment of the expected functional and technical impacts More …
that the Future State GAIn SolutionSM requirements will have upon existing technology, people, processes, and operating practices is documented. Final GAIn SolutionSM requirements are approved.
PHASE 5:SolutionDesign
The GAIn SolutionSM is designed. Mutiple possible solutions are investigated and narrowed to a final GAIn SolutionSM. A prototype of the final GAIn SolutionSM is developed and tested in a lab setting. More …
The prototype is then run through a formal Proof of Concept Test to validate that it meets 100% of its design requirements. The complete set of documentation for the tested and approved GAIn SolutionSM is completed.
PHASE 6:Implementationand SupportDefinition
The GAIn SolutionSM implementation plan and post-implementation support program is developed. Needed implementation processes, technologies, and people are identified. More …
Training plans for all parties who will use or support the GAIn SolutionSM are developed. A formal Pilot Test is conducted with a small sample of actual GAIn SolutionSM consumers to “shake out” any issues present in the GAIn SolutionSM, the implementation
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plan, or training program. The GAIn SolutionSM documentation is updated with the learning obtained from the Pilot Test. Implementation risks are identified, and a risk mitigation plan is developed. Implementation strategy, management, and logistics are documented in an Implementation Plan document. WG Vallance prepares an implementation Request For Proposal (RFP) for the client.